Imaging Checklist

Thermoform Trays

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A critical step in the project process is receiving, preparing and preflight of your graphic/artwork file. The Andex Prepress Department has the knowledge, technology, and experience to achieve project success. The following are some guidelines to help streamline the process and speed time to market.

Preferred Software Formats:

  • Adobe PDF and Illustrator AI or EPS
  • Photoshop PSD (layered)
  • Adobe Indesign

Submitting Electronic Artwork Files:

  • Email: and copy your Account Rep
  • Sharefile: Contact your Andex Account Rep

Before submitting the art file, please check the following:

  • Within the art file, all fonts should be converted to outlines and any linked images should be embedded.
  • Text/graphics should be at least .125” away from trim areas.
  • The file should have .125” bleed beyond the die line.
  • All text must be a minimum 4-point font size of any type face.
  • Do not trap your files. Andex will determine the trapping required to meet the production requirements to best achieve the graphics.


  • Document color mode should be CMYK, not RGB. Andex can provide conversion, but the resulting color shift may appear different than your target color.
  • Specify the colors using the PMS identification system.
  • Convert any unnecessary pms colors to process.
  • Be consistent with the color you specify, for example: PANTONE 186 C.
  • If applicable specify the correct Pantone Color suffix; C = Coated paper (i.e. PMS 186 C) or U = Uncoated paper (i.e. PMS 186 U).


  • Blister cards print 150 line screen.
  • Skin cards print 120 line screen.


  • By providing artwork electronically, the customer has assumed the responsibility for file accuracy and correctness in file preparation. The printer is not responsible for or liable for material printed with customer composition errors.
  • The customer is responsible for artwork that is revised by Andex and approved by the customer.

WE DO NOT ACCEPT: Gif files, Page layout files such as Quark or Pagemaker, Word processing documents such as MS Word/Powerpoint, Photocopies or PMT’s of photocopies, business cards, letterheads, fax transmissions, etc. (These formats are too low of a quality to ensure you a quality imprint.)

Questions? Contact your Andex Account Representative at 800-338-9882

Updated: 10/17/2023